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Active House produces more energy than it consumes with solar power, solar heat, geothermal heat, fuel cell, wind power, wall insulation, super air-tight insulation window frame, waste heat collection type ventilation system, climate energy and sun light. Location of house is an important factor to consider. Active House consumes less fossil energies from oil, coal and LNG. So, it emits less carbon dioxide. From 2011 we have designed an ideal active house consuming its own electricity and hot water in cooperation with German laboratory. We will provide a new paradigm with our registered patents for active house.

Core Technologies

Active house is called to the building that consumes less than 15㎾h(kw/h=864kcal) /㎡ per year and total 120㎾h from the first energy source to heat, cool or ventilate a house

  • Wall insulation : Thickness of wall is more than 30cm(Korea : 20 cm) to meet heat transmission coefficiency (0.13w/m2  ·k)
  • Super air-tight insulation window frame: Triple glazing window system (heat transmission coefficient: 0.8w/m2  .k)
  • Waste heat collection type ventilation system: More than 50pa, ventilation over 60%, heat collection rate - over 90%, Water leakage rate – below 10%
  • Heat Bridge tool : to prevent Heat Bridge
  • Direction of House : to maximize climate and geothermal energies
  • Climate energy : Passive heating & cooling, lighting
  • To use high efficiency appliances : conditioning, heat collection, heating, etc

Active House Concept

Active House image (example)