Research Contents
- Hydrogen storage alloy (AB5) and Rare earth metal energy technology (Korea Institute of Energy Research)
- Hydrogen separation and storage system during oil refining process (Spain Websol refinery Lab)
- Solar glass panel with cooling and warming function (German Maybach Lab)
- The world’s first ACM 0010 CDM simulation for livestock waste (Germany Farmatic Lab)
- Biomass CDM project that is adapted to local conditions (Netherland Royal Agriculture Univ.)
- Elimination of Co2 using waste wood and calorific value increase in wood pellet using flower power (Sweden Royal Lab)
- Ammonia extraction system using biomass (Germany Dresden Engineering College)
- Solar heat cooling prevention system using molten salt (USA Nevada state)
- Extraction of bio diesel from green algae (USA Hawaii Univ.)
- Extraction of oil sand applying CCS(Carbon Capture System) technology (USA Nevada state)
- Extraction of benzene from wide leaf tree (Swiss Genesis Lab)
- BFB technology using biomass (Finland)
- Biomass electric power project for organic waste (China, Indonesia, Vietnam)
- CDM PoA Methodology for Renewable Energy (Spain R&A)
- Development of Workowner Device for CERs Generation based on DLT (Korea)
- MRV AI Platform for CDM (Korea)
- Dalvik Executable Complementary Shadow Files for CERs Decentralize Autonomous Exchange (South Korea)
- TTN & Micro Grid for CERs generation (Korea)